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Mary's Song

Luke 1:46-55 has a passage of scripture with the heading “Mary’s Song.” It is a beautiful praise to the Lord telling of His goodness, blessings, mercy from generation to generation, provision, and thankfulness.

However, going back to Luke 1:26-38, Mary has some literally unbelievable news. It has never happened before and will not happen again. God dispatches his Angel Gabriel to go to Nazareth to give a most amazing message to Mary. The Angel Gabriel says to her, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” As you might guess, seeing and having an angel talk to you is very unusual, but the angel said “Do not be afraid. Mary you have found favor with God.”

This was all good, then the angel continued, you will have a baby named Jesus, He will be the Son of the Most High and rule for ever and ever. Then questions started to come. “How can this be as I am a virgin?” I am sure she wondered what her family would say. What about Joseph? Would he believe something that has never happened before such as being a virgin and being pregnant? After all they are engaged, what about the future now?

These words came out of Mary’s mouth that shows her heart in verse 1:38, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” WOW! It is understandable why God would choose Mary—she is His servant not knowing the complete future, the cost, the joy and the heartache, but fully trusting the One that has called her to fulfilling the plan He has made for her.

Whatever life has to hold for us, Mary reminds us of our perfect response, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said,” because God has a plan we can trust for us too.

Pastor Ruth Kaunley


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