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My Greatest Lesson

Colossians 3:3 says, “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Our security and satisfaction are found in our Savior. We no longer belong to this world, and our hope is found in eternity. As a mother, my greatest desire is that my children will be in eternity with me, so I stress to them the importance of eternity and focus my prayers on their eternal destination, but I have to ask myself, “Am I missing something?”


In Colossians 3:2 Paul says to set our minds on things above. He’s not just referring to the behaviors and sins that we are free from. He’s also referring to our identity. One of my greatest roles as a mother is to help my children find their identity in Christ and not in this world. Who are they intended to be? Who has God designed them to be?. Their appointed purpose can only be found when they are HIDDEN in Christ. Who they were before Christ is not what they were created to be.


What does this mean for me? I have to find my identity in Christ. I have to call on the promise in Ephesians 2:10: “ For we are His workmanship, created in Christ for His good works.” The blood of the Lamb has covered me, and I now identify with my precious Savior. If I can’t live out that promise, how will I ever help my children understand it?


When the devil calls me by my past, I must grab hold of my new identity in Christ and declare His righteousness: “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (II Corinthians 5:21).


Amber Clendenin


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