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No Mere Words

As kingdom-filled vessels, I for one-would hope(and pray) that my conversations and comments would carry the lightness/expectancy/benediction, like the One who loved me first. Going thru tribulation is an unknown testing period of time, where you can lift and lighten by your disposition(demeanour), by your words and responses, and by the determination that you are going to make it thorough to the victory side, with God’s help and us seeking His HELP. His “ever present help in time of need” is a 24/7 hotline straight to Our Helper; whom does not breakout in accusation about how you got yourself in a pickle, but instead is ready to embrace you in His lap- wipe the tears away, and hear you spill the aches of your heart! Hebrews7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.

… the weightiness of His personal promises for my good, make me-in kind-examine what my words are loaded with: is it love? is it mercy? is it hope? is it cold truth? is it uncomfortable temporary reality? I don’t know if I have tomorrow, but today I can say I might be down but not beaten, the Lord has given me and you the hope of a future, the breeze I feel thou not seeing, and I'm changed (however slowly)by the presence of His glory! I will continue on the road of transfiguration and pray for the continuance of His better version of this "brought low" daughter who really yearns for His radiance.

Victoria Volich


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