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One Verse

Isaiah 33:6 “He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.”

I’ve been resting on this verse and truly unable to move past it. Sometimes I’m in such awe of how much treasure is in one verse that I stay put and soak it in. Can you even fathom how much promised goodness is in ONE verse? He is absolute surety no matter what! He is not only salvation but rich, spilling into an over abundance of wisdom and knowledge! So why would I ever fear my future, my protection, provision, keeping grace or knowing what to do or direction to go?! This right here says my fear or reverence of the Lord is all it takes to unlock this. In other words, if I surrender to the will and obey the commands of a perfect God who loves me and is faithful, the result is treasure. Simply follow His word which leads to life and peace, and He piles faithful promises in an abundance you cannot process that meet every need.

The kindness of God and His compassion and love towards us is so evident in His words. One verse leads me to a place of overwhelmed thanksgiving to a God who doesn’t treat me as I deserve but rather is rich in mercy and slow to anger. His compassion and faithfulness is radical. Find a verse and rest on it, “read slow” and let your heart be overcome with the love of God toward you.

Pastor Natalie Snider


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