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Over the course of my life, I have had many different jobs:  RV repair man, welder, farmer, truck driver, carpenter, teacher and coach just to name a few.  I always thought I would take all my experiences and things I had learned and apply them all for one big thing God wanted me to do.  But about 15 years ago, while driving, right at my exit ramp God told me, (not in an audible voice) that all my experiences was not so much about putting it all together but about relationships.  It’s about a relationship with God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, family, friends, co-worders, etc.  It is also not so much about where you work or what you do for a living, yes God gives all of certain talents and abilities but its about our relationships along the way. 


Hearing again this year about Jesus’ death on the cross, I was reminded about the criminal on the cross beside him, the one who said to Jesus, “Remember me when you enter your Kingdom.”  Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”  The criminal had developed a personal relationship with Jesus.  He didn’t attend church, help the orphans and widows, or bring deviled eggs to the church dinner.  Although these things are important, he was going to Heaven because of his relationship with Jesus. 


For me, life is about many things but especially about RELATIONSHIPS.


Trust in the. Lord with all. Your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6


Barry Jantz


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