Share Love
John 15:12
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
This verse has been alive for me in a new way in the midst of this crisis we are all experiencing. There are new needs on our community, shortages of food, supplies and unemployment all around. Whatever the case, love is not out of stock and the demand is as high as ever. The love of God is all encompassing. The love of God casts out fear, it fills the void, it draws in the sinner to salvation, it encourages the hopeless; friends it’s the answer for every crisis.
Now more than ever we need to be become of light. We need to freely give as Christ has given to us, to a world that is hurting and in search of answers. The love of God never fails, never runs out and never grows weary. There are people that desperately need to feel that love, they need to know the God that is our anchor and our hope. And the only way many of them will meet this precious savior is through you and I. I encourage you to share the love you have so freely been given from the Father. Within that love all our needs are fully supplied and the world needs to know it. The world is waiting for what has been given to you for free. Won’t you share the hope of glory, and love those who need it most. You’ll never know what a small act of love can do for someone who is hurting. Eternity hangs in the balance and the love of Jesus is what draws the wayward home.
Pastor Natalie Snider