Sovereign King
...Lord, as I bestow a praise barely befitting of thy Sovereign throne... I can't help but recount ALL the numerous wonders of our gain in You! You are love incarnate, You are providence in our midst, You are the map by which we are guided, You are the book by which we are taught, You are the light by which we see, You are the fortress where we are protected, You are the medicine for our ailments, You are the physician who heals us, You are the defender of the weak, You are the drink that satisfies, You are the food that nourishes, You are the friend that never leaves, You are the restorer of the broken, You are the balm for the disheartened, You are refuge to the lost, You are rest for the weary, You are hope to the seekers, You are cause to the warrior, You are strength to the armies, You are priest to the repentant, You are counselor to the masses, You are Master Planner of the universe, and forgiver of our sins. With love in mind we came to be, and still, that, remains for us. Thank you Lord! I don't shy away, in spite of the feeling that my effort to "pen" about this love for you -is minuscule, in retrospection of all that, indeed, is your consideration and planning concerning us. May you be high and lifted up! and hear and receive the "thunder clap" of this heir, who accepts that your goodness is beyond my perceived value, but precious to you! No greater love, of Your kind, will we know, but O how we desire it for every creature, near and far!.. for to know Him is to love Him.
Isaiah 25:1 Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
2 Samuel 7:3-4 How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with are own ears.
Pastor Victoria Volich