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I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life. John 8:12

The children are learning a new song for the Christmas play. It is a simple song with a thought provoking message. The first verse and chorus goes like this:

If I was a shepherd on that night long ago

When the new star appeared and started to glow

I would follow that star it would never grow dim

I would follow that star it would lead me to him

Starlight Shining bright lighting my way

His light shining bright forever will stay

The children love to sing this song. They sing it with confidence like they know for sure they would have followed that star. They would have trusted the light. They sing with great faith that they would have gone to see the babe. But I often wonder if all the shepherds went. 500 people witnessed Jesus’ ascension into Heaven but only 120 went to the upper room as he had instructed. Did all the shepherds go? I don’t know but I do know that God made it possible for those who went to see the King.

The shepherds were just ordinary people who found a common stable and feeding trough. They found Mary and Joseph other ordinary people but in the manger they found something not so ordinary. They found the Messiah, the Son of God! The light of the world!

Starlight Shining bright lighting my way

His light shining bright forever will stay

Starlight shining bright watching my way

His light shining bright forever will stay

The devil tries to darken our way. The Christmas season can be wrought with worry over money, stress over the many things on our schedule and weariness over the pace we keep. But the light of God’s Word is shining bright if we will but stop and meditate on the real reason for the season. Step out of the darkness that the devil will try to put in your path this Christmas season. Walk in the Light!

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:5

Pastor Julia Scott


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