Tent of Meeting
And it came about that everyone who sought the Lord would go out to the tent of meeting which was outside the camp. Exodus 33:7b
Moses was the one who first pitched the tent outside the came for a place to meet with God. God would meet with Moses face to face and verses 10 and 11 tell us that the cloud the people followed would descend on and stand at the entrance of the tent. The people would see this and begin to worship.
Where is your tent of meeting? Do you have a place to meet with God? I know that we all expect to meet Him at church, Sunday School and at Revival…but what about daily? How can we hear His still, small voice when we are not meeting with Him daily?
Moses’ story and the book of Exodus is full of great examples showing God responds to His people. Exodus even tells of times when God changed his declared course of action when His people sincerely called upon Him in prayer. Repentance of sin, sincerity in our request and commitment to His Will sets in motion love and mercy.
The tent of meeting that Moses used in the wilderness was a portable place of worship. Guess what? Ours is too. The busyness of life will drain us emotionally, physically and spiritually. Our “tent of meeting” must be uninterrupted time away from the hustle of everyday life. A time to sit quietly before the Lord. A time to rejuvenate our soul. A time to strengthen our bodies and minds and a time to listen to God’s Will. Find your “tent of meeting”, without it your prayers will be short and inconsistent. Commit your ways to Him, give thanks for His mercy, repent of sin and listen for the Holy Spirit’s promoting.
But you when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. Matthew 6:6
Pastor Julia Scott