The Provision of a Full Cup
Psalm 23:5 tells us, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.” It is believed that David wrote Psalm 23 as a king. In his maturity he looked back on God’s provision and protection over his life. While all of it speaks to God’s faithfulness, my favorite verse is five.
It points to God’s provision in spite of who’s present. The truth that we often forget is that God is not hindered by our enemies. The verse states that in their very presence He provides and provides bountifully! We can enjoy the riches of God’s goodness and provision regardless of the enemy’s motives. The contrast between the presence of our enemies and God’s goodness are detailed in Psalm 23. In troubling circumstances, I must remember that my Shepherd is aware of the work of the enemy and His provision is more than enough.
Not only will my head be soothed and anointed with the precious oil of God, but He will fill my cup to overflowing. Each of us are facing battles and difficult seasons, let us not forget the promise found in Psalm 23. Regardless of the season, God's provision overflows.
Pastor Amber Clendenin