Yes, I know that seems a bit weird, but it is something that most of us think about a lot. It is all the things we think up in our head to tell ourselves that we are NOT qualified to do something in life. Now of course, the majority of the time, this is something worldly like I don't have a degree in this, or I have no specific training.
However, the most dangerous use of this, is when we start applying it to our spiritual/Christian life. Things like; I am not a preacher, I have not been saved that long, I am too old/young, I don't want to look silly, I don't have enough scripture memorized. The list of phrases goes on and on. The Bible tells us that the spirit will dwell within us and give us power.
Acts 1.8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me…
So, in those moments where you don't feel qualified to share the gospel or lead others to Christ, know that it is not by anything we have to offer that we are able to do that. It is total dependency in our life on Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that Qualifies us and gives us strength.
Be Blessed
November 4 4
Pastor Brandon Scott