Walking Out Our Worship
”Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the first fruits of all your increase;“
Proverbs 3:9 NKJV
What is a proverb?
Proverbs are short sayings that are easy to remember.
Think back to some old American proverbs that you could remember as a kid growing up.
If you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen.
Early bird gets the worm.
Remember these?
The proverbs found in the Bible written by King Solomon, or short sayings that are rich in theology.
Proverbs chapter 3s main theme is to trust and obey.
Remember God for all He has done for us. That should be a great motivation to honor Him with all our possessions. Let’s take a minute to think of something that we have that we are not honoring the LORD with. The most common thing is our time or our time and talents serving in the body of Christ. God did not send His only son to be beaten, humiliated even to the point of dying on a cross so that we could sit. He did that so he could save us and bring us into the family of God where we could serve with this family. There’s no greater joy than serving the one who came to serve.
Next, we see in this verse, is to honor with your first fruits, and all your increase.
Solomon is urging his son to honor God with all of his wealth. Yes, this includes tithing, tithing is very important and it’s a part of that trusting obeying but also this addresses reckless spending.
Evaluation questions
What possession do I have that I’m not honoring God with?
Where can I serve the body of Christ?
Am I being diligent with the resources? God given me?
Pray this with me.
Lord search us and reveal to us the things we need to tighten up in our worship to tighten up.in Our praise show us the areas in our life that we need to honor you. In Jesus name Amen!!
Pastor Will Clendenin