What Are You Expecting?
He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen. Deuteronomy 10:21
I had a conversation with my grandmother one day about miracles and healings in the church today. The conversation started when I asked the question of why we did not see them as much anymore? I didn’t mean it in any mean way towards God, I just had the thought on my mind. So as the conversation went on, we talked about the old country church we used to attend and the things that I saw as a young boy in the seats on a Sunday night. They were great stories and some very fond memories. At this point, the question came up again in my head, what has changed. God hasn’t changed. Then I will never forget what my grandma said...she said “We just came to church expecting it to happen”. I fear that sometimes we come to church waiting and hoping that something will happen but not expecting.
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for me? Jeremiah 32:27
What could happen if we came to church hungry and with an expectation that something WAS going to happen? Check your own personal agenda at the door and really seek God in prayer and expectancy. What if we came expecting that he is going to move those mountains in our life, and he is able to handle all our circumstances? Take a moment today and going forward to check our mindset. What are we expecting God to do, and what have we done to be ready for it?
Be Blessed
November 29
Pastor Brandon Scott